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From Cantor Marty August 22, 2024

Sheva D’Nechemtah- The 7 Haftorot of Comfort

   It is very unusual when we the Jewish people veer from what we call our normal. Throughout the Hebrew year, each Torah portion or Parshah has an accompanying Haftarah that generally connects to the Torah portion either in idea or circumstances. These Haftarot can come from many different places other than the five Books of Moses.

   Usually, they are taken from the books of Samuel, Kings I or II, or from the various prophets contained in the middle of the three sections of the Tanach, called N’Vee-eem. Many are stories concerning Elijah, or Elisha that involve helping people, or confronting Baal and other false Gods.

  Others, are direct messages to the Jewish people, often directed to the northern kingdom of Israel, or the southern kingdom of Judah. Some are allegories that relate things in their own life to what’s going on in the Torah portion and the nation.

   Beginning last Shabbat-Nachamu, known as the Sabbath of Comfort following Tishah B’Av, we have seven Haftarot of comfort, that speak to the Jewish people in beautiful metaphorical visions and prophecies. They are all from the prophet Isaiah and remind us that history continually renews and that there will always be times when we are up and times when we are down.

   Where are we now? That is a good question. On the one hand, it is the best time in history to be Jewish because we have the state of Israel and good living conditions in the USA. On the other hand, antisemitism is as bad as it’s ever been and under more pressure than ever because of social media. The real point is that hatred is everywhere. These beautiful Haftarot are not only directed to the Jewish people, but I think to the whole world

  May we see the idea of the lamb lying down with the lion come to fruition in our lifetime please God.

  Cantor Marty


Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785