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Zoom Wednesday morning Torah study with Rabbi Chaitovsky at 7:45 AM 
Devarim Verse by Verse- (CLICK HERE) 
No class on January 8, 2025.

Zoom Wednesday morning Women's Class with Ellyn Hutt at 11:00 AM 
Ellyn’s Parsha Class for Women (CLICK HERE) - Meeting ID: 922 119 870
No meetings on January 22 or February 19, 2025.

Zoom Daf Yomi with Rabbi Fleischmann - each weekday morning at 7:30 AM and
Saturday night 1 hour after Shabbat ends

WhatsApp Dial in number: 701-802-5213 Access code: 8622667
Online meeting ID: mfleischmann7​​​​​​
-If you want to be added to the group messaging of Daf Yomi for times, place in Gemoro, etc. please WhatsApp Rabbi Fleischmann at 
-For the actual shiur we use, which is accessible by home phone, cell, or computer.


Daily & Weekly Learning

If you are interested in daily and weekly adult Jewish learning, here are some of our classes that are available to you throughout the year:

  • Daf-Yomi with Rabbi Fleischmann: Class runs daily, one hour before Shacharit (in the Gallery)

  • Sefer HaChinuch with Rabbi Stern: Class runs on Mondays at 8:00 pm (in the Library)

  • Verse by Verse through the Torah with Rabbi Chaitovsky: Class runs on Wednesdays at 7:45 am (on Zoom)

  • Torah From Israel with Ellyn Hutt: Class runs on Wednesday at 11:00 am (on Zoom)

  • Practical Parsha with Sara Wolfe:  This class will meet at 10:30 am every Shabbat.

Tue, January 14 2025 14 Tevet 5785