Dear Friends,
Pesach preparations are under way. As most of us know, the Torah prohibits us from not only eating, but also owning, chametz on Pesach. The sale of chametz is a time-honored tradition in Jewish Law enabling us to more easily observe this prohibition. It is a complicated procedure and it is customary to have a Rabbi familiar with the requirements to handle the sale.
Some of you have sold your chametz through BMH-BJ in previous years, and I encourage everyone to do so. I am ready – and would be honored - to act as your agent and assist you in this important tradition.
By filling out the form below, you appoint me as your agent to sell your chametz on your behalf.
The form can also be downloaded at and you may mail the form to my office, email it to, or bring it in to me personally. I would love the opportunity to meet and speak with you and assure you that everything will be handled properly and according to Jewish Law.
Please note that there are many in our community who find it difficult to celebrate Pesach. Especially this year, the holiday poses a financial hardship for them. A contribution to my discretionary fund earmarked for Maot Chitim – Passover Food, will make it easier for those in need to have kosher food for Pesach. Your generosity is most appreciated.
Best wishes to you for a Chag Kasher v’Sameach, a joyful and kosher Pesach.
Rabbi Chaitovsky
Because the sale of chametz involves many technicalities, it is customary for the clergy of the congregation to act as the agent for all who wish to sell their chametz. If you own chametz in several places – your regular home, summer home and business, for example – fill in all addresses. Everyone who prepares a home for Pesach should arrange with the clergy to sell their chametz. By signing this convenient Statement of Authorization our clergy uses this power of attorney to sell your chametz. Use the form below to authorize the sale of your chametz. Don’t neglect this critical activity. Please submit your form online, in person to BMH-BJ, online, or email it to by Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
Delegation of Power of Attorney – Passover 2024
I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Chaitovsky to act in my place and stead and in my behalf to sell all chametz possessed by me (knowingly or unknowingly) as defined by The Torah and Rabbinic Law and to lease all places wherein the chametz owned by me may be found, especially in the premises located at the address(es) below and elsewhere.
Rabbi Chaitovsky has the full right to sell and to lease by transactions, as he deems fit and proper and for such time which he believes necessary in accordance with all detailed terms and detailed forms as explained in the general authorization contracts which have been give this year to Rabbi Chaitovsky to sell the chametz. This general authorization is made a part of this agreement.
Also, I hereby give Rabbi Chaitovsky full power and authority to appoint a substitute in his stead with full power to sell and to lease as provided herein. The above given power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinical regulations and laws and also in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado and of the United States.