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From Cantor Marty August 8, 2024

The Rabbi’s of old were so brilliant with their ability to plan for the future and to give us hope against all odds. This week, we begin the 5th book of the Torah, “D’vareem-Dueteronomy” which is always read on the Shabbat preceding “Tisha B’av-The 9th of Av,” a day a lot like October 7th 2023. Of course Tisha B’av commemorate the destruction of both Temples or Beit HaMikdash in Jerusalem, the first in 586BCE and the second in the year 70 CE.. Sadly the “Nations or Goyeem" knew about that day and wreaked much havoc and terror all throughout history.

 The Torah, in this 5th and final of the “Chumash” or 5 Books of Moses presents many challenges. It’s Syntax and Hebrew phrasing seems much different from the previous 4, almost as if it was written considerably later, with hindsight. There are many points of view of its historicity including that it is from the same time brought down from Mt. Sinai. No matter, it is directed to the Children of Israel who are about to cross the River Jordan to begin the establishment of the land of Israel. Thus began a 3,000 year Journey in and out of the Holy Land as we faced a harsh world bent on our destruction.

 Our Haftorah is the 3rd known as the Haftarot of Rebuke, this one from the great Prophet Isaiah, Yeeshayahoo, who ministered to the 4 last Kings of Judah. He very clearly warns them that our demise is imminent at the hands of the Babylonians. He says that we let each other down by only caring about ourselves. Clearly, it was too late by this point but it was a message to future generations to support each other. I believe we’ve done a good job of this by rallying around Israel and its current battle against physical threat but even more by existential hatred that seems totally unfounded on truth.         

 Hate is timeless as is Love, maybe they come from the same place. The Torah and our tradition teaches that God’s love is endless and more powerful than anything else. Let’s plug-in to that love and battle hatred with the power of love and understanding.

Shabbat Shalom, Cantor Marty

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785